Have you been feeling like you’re ready for a new job? Have you been applying for some roles lately? But are you getting fed up with these automated rejection mails from recruiters? Then it’s time to revamp your resume! Take a second and look at you resume… would it catch your attention if you were given the job to filter through 60 candidates? Does it include all the relevant work experience or is it too wordy? A lot of questions right? Not too worry. We’re sharing 3 tips to make your resume stand out from the pile. And…. we have a little surprise for you too! Keep reading…
Design or invest in an eye-catching resume template
I still come across a lot of boring resumes that are very wordy, lengthy and not eye-catching at all. No use of headings, paragraphs just plain text. Probably these resumes may have relevant information and fantastic work experiences but guess what? The first thing that catches the attention of a recruiter is the lay-out of your resume. If it doesn’t stand out from the other candidates, big chance it will be tossed. It sounds harsh but it’s the truth. Recruiters want to filter through candidates as quick as possible and you want them to pause for a second when they get to yours. So as much as the content is important on your resume, the same applies for the resume design/lay-out. I understand that designing a resume from scratch can sound very daunting. These days there are very easy tools you can use to design your resume such as Canva. To be honest, designing a resume template from scratch can be time consuming so another option would be to purchase a ready-made resume template that you can edit. So no more boring resumes in 2022! We got you. Download our free resume template below and start revamping your resume!
No more boring resumes in 2022!
Only add relevant work experience
The older we get, the more work experience we get right? However it’s definitely not relevant to be adding them all onto your resume. The work experience that should be included should be the ones that showcases your capabilities and skills for the next role you’re applying for. For example, when I was in uni, I did a lot of different part time jobs which wouldn’t be all relevant to my next career step. Some would, some wouldn’t. It all depends on the skills the new role requires and if you acquired some or all of those required skills from that previous role. So be selective in which work experience you want to include. Saying that, please do not leave many gaps between jobs unless that is really the case. I know recruiters are highly sensitive when it comes to that too. Eventually a resume should be concise and relevant and preferably not longer than two pages. There’s no need to have a resume that looks like an essay.
Do some resume research
The reason why this tip is important is because they are do and don’t in terms of what to include on a resume in different parts of the world. What might be preferred in for example Germany might be a no-go in the United States. For example in some countries adding a photo to your resume would be highly appreciated where as in some countries they ay not. These little information would be interesting to look into. Especially when you looking into relocation roles to work abroad.