Building a network while being more of an introvert than an extrovert can be daunting but it doesn’t have to be. I know all about it so stick around to read how I’ve been building a network while being an introvert-extrovert how they call it these days LOL.
But first of all, why is networking so important? Every career guru would repeat that over and over again. Matter of fact is, it’s true. Your network can literally take you places. Here are some advantages of having a network:
Opens access to new job opportunities for you or someone in your circle.
Someone in your network might be your next customer for your business.
Get career advice and support (coach/mentor).
Learn new ideas and skills from others.
Develop long-lasting personal relationships
So if you are ready to build your network, let me share some tips on how you can network like a pro while being an introvert.
1. Join informal activities at your work place
Does your company often organize workshops, quizes, (virtual) cooking sessions, workouts, trainings or anything else that falls some what in those categories? If the answer is yes, then the reality is that there are many opportunities for you to get yourself out there and meet new people that you don’t directly work with. When those invites for these events come along, encourage yourself to enroll in a few of them. Don’t feel pressured at all to be present at every event that is currently being organized but do it make it a priority to be present every now and then if you really want to make efforts in building your network.
Through this events at work, you can get to know more colleagues across different departments and roles. Having these connections can be helpful whenever you are seeking to collaborate with other people, seeking for first-hand information, learn new skills, finding a mentor and even if you want to make a new career change in a totally different direction. There are even more benefits than what I just mentioned here. Attending these informal work-events are casual ways to meet new people to have in your network.
2. Invest in going to summits and conferences
Look I know, the prices of some summits and conferences can be really expensive. I feel you! But it doesn’t take away that these events are actually made for networking. You will think how on earth are these huge events with hundreds of people a good place to mingle. Well, you will be surprised how many people just come to these events alone. This way people become more approachable. Some people even travel from country to country to join a particular event. They are also looking for people to show them a little bit around town during breaks. Aside from that, a lot of small workshops are often organized during summits/conferences where you will be put into smaller groups to do several assignments. Again, great way to introduce yourself to others and you will be stunned about how open and kind people are. The idea is scary but once you put yourself out there, you will be a natural networker, trust me.
Tip: speaking of prices, if you don’t have the budget to buy a ticket, see if you can have this reimbursed by your company. You’ll be surprised what the possibilities are. Talk to your manager and explain why you really want to attend a particular event and how this can help you evolve in your current role. Make a business case about this with your reasonings. Sometimes these expenses do get reimbursed by the company especially if you work for a company that really invests in the personal development of their employees. If your manager is not sure if this is possible ask your manager to give you a name of a person who would know more about this. See if there is a particular team responsible for this. Don’t just take a no for face value. Get to the right person first!
3. Join group projects
If you work in tech, you will be familiar with new projects popping up every - single - day hahah. It’s sometimes hard to keep up, I have to be real with you. But these are great ways to network as well. Don’t be stuck in your own bubble and hang out only with your team. If you manager asks who wants to participate in a particular project, volunteer if the topic really interets you.
4. Your customer / client base
Not only should you be networking with colleagues but also with your customers. Start working on building longterm relationships with your customers/clients. If I have to take myself as example, I’ve seen how it helped me kickstart my freelance business a few years ago. I managed to have them as my customers soon as I left the company I was working for which was simply the best feeling as a freelancer. So my advice to you is, invest time and try to help your customers in any way possible so that they seek for YOU and only you even when you leave the company you’re currently working for. This is another way you know that people are eager to work with you because of your skills, charisma, personality and so on. Invest in building sustainable customer relationships because those are the ones you need in your network.