Your next step is:

(Re)Defining Your Ideal Clients

This is an important step that you do not want to rush. Why? Defining your ideal clients effectively is the foundation of your online coaching business. This determines every that you’re going to launch from here on forward. Once you understand who your ideal clients are, that’s when you can easily sign clients without a heap of testimonials, a sales page, or even a big following.

So you might wonder, ‘‘okay so how do I go about it? How do I define who my ideal customers are?’’. Let me show you how.

Step 1: Demographics

Defining your ideal clients comes in two parts and the first one is demographics. This is all the factual details of the customer. You can define their

And the list goes on and on. The key ones in my perspective are age, gender and occupation and here’s why. When it comes to age, choose a specific age group. There is a different way to talk to baby boomers than it is to talk to Gen Z. Also, you might solve the same problem however both groups might experience the problem in a complete different way.

Step 2: Psychographics

The psychographics involve your ideal client’s thought process, habits, and attitudes. It’s the emotional and mental aspects of your ideal clients. So how can you figure out the psychographics of your ideal clients? Well, there are certain questions you can ask yourself to determine psychographics.

  • What are the problems your ideal clients are aware they have?

  • What are problems they aren’t aware they have?

  • What are the goals they want to achieve?

  • What are their biggest fears?

  • What are their hobbies?

I’d love to help you with the exercise to determine who your ideal clients are exactly. I just have a few free spots left for this month, so click the button below & book your free clarity call!

Hi, I’m Trudy!

Hey you! Thanks for taking the quiz! I’m super excited to see that you have the desire to set up your online coaching business this year!

I have helped many ambitious women build their online businesses from scratch.

My mission is to help women move away from the societal status quo and build purposeful online businesses in order to create more freedom and longevity for their wealth.

Since your next step should be (re)identifying your ideal clients, let me share some more tips on how you can do that properly so that you can start signing clients for your services. I just got a few spots left, so book your free call today!