5 Side Hustles You Can Start Doing For Extra Streams Of Income Even With A Full Time Job
We live in an era where a lot of women are creating several streams of income next to their 9 to 5. Some because solely their salary is not enough or some because they simply do not want to be dependent on one income. Whatever your motive is, there are soooo many ways to these days to generate multiple streams of income. What I do have to mention is NOTHING is a get-rich-quick method. If anyone would tell you that, it’s probably scam #sorrynotsorry. Every side hustle that I’m going to mention below needs time, attention, consistency and hard work to make a decent amount out of it. But if you’re wondering do they generate money? YES and I know this because those you will read below, I have tried and tested all of them myself…
‘‘Every side hustle that I’m going to mention below needs time, attention, consistency and hard work’’
Don’t be sleeping on this… the future is digital! Yes, I’ve said it! Having a webshop can be a very interesting source of income if you have a product that is in high demand and if you know how to market it to that audience. These days you don’t even have to have your own inventory to start selling and making a lot of sales on your product(s). I remember when I had my first shop and even in its first month I made almost 10K in sales! So if you love e-commerce and you have a passion for a product or service, create a shop, learn from people who have done it before and, start selling!
Consultancy (selling your expertise)
Money, money, money, moneyyyy, MONAY! Another fantastic side hustle you could be doing right now is consulting. In other words, selling your knowledge in a particular field. What I did in the past was use the knowledge that I have on online marketing (Google Ads) and help and advice others on how to run profitable campaigns. So if you have something you know A-LOT about and that is in high demand, why not sell it?
Sell Used/Vintage Clothing
This business has been booming like never before. High street stores are even investing in advertisements to just get the message across of bringing in your used clothes in return for a discount. Depends where you live but have you heard about Vinted? Well, here in the Netherlands you can not watch a sequel of advertisements without 1 Vinted ad popping up. If you know you have a lot of stuff you want to declutter, get them on platforms like Vinted, Depop, Ebay and so many more. You may ask well what do you do when you run out of used clothes to sell? Thrifting. Find unique pieces and sell them at a profit on these re-sell platforms. I personally have experience with Vinted and in my opinion you can sell your items very quickly on there.
E-book / Digital products
People are making thousands by selling digital products. Digital products can be anything like ebooks, templates, photography, courses, music, art, and the list can go on and on. Actually, your expertise can be poured into a digital product. You can create an ebook where you are explaining a particular strategy on how people can get from A to B. Or maybe you want to create an online course from it… the possibilities are endless.
I use the word influencing because this will cover the examples I want to explain. We all know that influencing marketing is where the money reside. If you love blogging or social media in general. Then consider becoming an influencer. The word makes people cringe but to be honest that is what you are once people find you to be an expert in a particular topic. They will literally buy anything you recommend! You can earn your money via collaborating with brands on your social media platforms like Instagram, Tiktok and Youtube. Beside that, you can also monetize your Youtube or blog page via Adsense. Anyone who watches an ad, you earn commission. You can earn income via affiliate marketing. This is linked to the comment I just made that once you build an engaging community, you can sell them whatever you recommend. So when they do buy something, you earn commission on every purchase as well.